Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Outline of First Term Paper

Physics applied in the Movie Toy Story

I. Introduction – Toys brought to Life
a. Toys are inanimate, aren't alive
b. Toys can talk/ interact
c. Toys defy laws of gravity in many aspects
d. Thesis statement

II. Laws of Physics are bent to allow toys to seem alive.
Hard plastic toys move about as though they were made of flexible flesh as humans are
Humans can relate to toys because toy behaviors outweigh physical improbabilities.
Toys move around with ease (ie: little plastic soldiers, etch a sketch dude)

III. Movie's defience of laws of gravity
Gravity's affect is lessened. (ie: Buzz Lightyear stalls mid air before falling)
Army descend rope to lower floor.
Flying on rocket at the end of the movie

IV. Exageration of Forces
characters fall from heights who's forces would kill them.
Woody's own wieght of upper body would force him to collapse on himself.

V. Conclusion
a. How different scenarios provide for good entertainment and yet bend the laws of physics
b. Repeat thesis

1 comment:

  1. Movie and outline look good. Of course in movies like this there are many things that aren't realistic; the theme of this paper is not to identify what's unrealistic but rather to determine whether or not the world created in the movie is self-consistent. Try watching the movie with the sound turned off and don't think about the plot; see if the action makes sense and is consistent.
    Full credit on this assignment (10 points)
